Reaching the Height!

In this project, I’ve focused on the overall usability on the current Homepage of HungryNaki and showed some pain points with solution, explanation and references.

Nielsen Norman Group
Usability Heuristics
  • Uber Eats
  • Dribbble
  • Mobbin Design
  • Foodpanda
Figma Community

  • Figma
  • FigJam
  • Illustration

Research, Assets & Inspirations

Throughout the journey, I have taken some help from these platforms and couldn’t wait to share their contribution to this project.

The Process

How I Found the Usability Issues

Initially, I checked the usability issues with the most popular framework 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design and wrote it down in my notes. Also, I have talked with some users about their food ordering behavior and found many common pain points.

Identifying the UX Issues

#1: Flexibility and efficiency of use


There is no quick way to find out pizza or steak for me. I might check another food delivery service for quick orders.


Need to add some blocks with popular search terms. Like Burger, Pizza, Pasta, etc. The suggestion should be based on the user’s location and time.


If we suggest some popular terms to our user based on time & location, it will help them to find their preferred food real quickly and make them happy.

#2: Match between system and the real world


The search field language does not give me the right context to find out what I actually need.


Rewrite the search label “Search for Restaurant or Noodles, Steak …” instead of “Search Restaurant of Food Items”


If we rewrite the search label, our users will get the context of what they can find from this service.

#3: Visibility of system status


I can’t find out more offers. It’s always 2 in my case!!


Need to revamp the offer cards with a little cut & make them swipeable


If we revamp the offer cards, users will find more offers and end result will increase in sales.

#4: Flexibility and efficiency of use


I don’t see any updates on my favorite restaurants. Currently, I’ve to check their social pages to get the information. It’s annoying.


We can add a story section to make a good connection between consumers and restaurant owners by sending updates from consumers’ favorite restaurants.


When it comes to order food, most people go for their favorite one. It would be a nice touch If we could introduce a section for updates from their favorite restaurants.

#4: Flexibility and efficiency of use


It takes so much time to get my Biriyani for my lunch.


We can add a section for specific food items based on time. Ex. If it’s Lunchtime, show him/her Biriyani, Tehari, Rice, Curry, etc.


The specific food item section will make make user’s ordering process simple and faster which will lead to an increase in sales.

#6: Recognition rather than recall


I’m having a hard time choosing which restaurant to choose as it has a lot of information to read.


We need to simplify the restaurant card and add only the necessary information.


By refreshing the card, we will be able to reduce the cognitive load of our users while choosing a restaurant.

#7: Match between system and the real world


When it comes to ordering from a restaurant I never ordered, I mostly rely on reviews and feedback. But It’s very hard for me to decide by reading all the numbers & calculation


We can change our review system to Imoticons from stars.


The human brain always wants to read visually rather than numbers as it’s easier for us. By changing stars to emoticons (Sad to Happy Faces), our users will recognize others’ perspectives easily.

#8: Consistency and standards


The HungryNaki logo and Home navigation always confuse and distract me.


We need to keep the simple one to navigate Home.


Indeed, it’s creating redundancy throughout the app.

Initial Design

HungryNaki reached out to me to audit their current app’s UX issues because of the decrease in orders. Also, they had huge pressure from international competitors like Foodpanda, and Uber Eats.

Suggested Solution

After a lot of research, workshops, and iterations I came up with the solution that got the highest usability success rate compared to their previous app.

Let's Have a Hands-on Experience with the Final Solution!

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